People who like to sail, dive, swim, fish or just enjoy the complete solitude, will not find an more unspoiled Paradise in the whole Caribbean, it has no inhabitants apart

Park and you will find more life in the sea here than other parts of the Southern Caribbean, which is known for its abundance of marine life. That includes Los Roques and Bonaire which are National parks, but with way to many fishermen, only bone fishing is good there since they are no good for eating. 

Just snorkeling you will see quantities of King Conch (botuto),  Lob

been extinct for good in the northern Caribbean.

Aves Barlovento is also the most spectacular Bird Sanctuary I have ever seen, with all kinds of sea birds, they live in the south, on the main island and one can watch the

The Islands of Las Aves is situated some 30 miles west of Los Roques and 45 miles East of Bonaire.

With around 90 miles from La Guaira, (on the North coast of Venezuela).

It takes a bit more than a nights sail from La Guaire with a Sailboat, the only way to get there... 

The group of islands consists of Aves de Bar-lovento and Aves de Sotavento.

Together they cover the same area in Square miles as Los Roques, Around 355 s.m. with most barrier reef and some 16 small and big Islands.


Las Aves, A real Seafari and Dive Adventure.

from a couple of very friendly fishermen  who lives here for about 3 months a year and a small Guardia Nacional outpost with 4 young guys to guard the Islands.

Las Aves has no airstrip so that means that there is no day tours or mass tourism to spoil the nature, it is not a National

ster, Turtles and other species that now has

birds very close passing trough the canals in the dinghy between the mangroves, which trough the years have developed in to tall trees. About 60 feet tall and 12 inches in diameter it is not seen anywhere else in the world.!      Aves So

Las Aves Sailing Expedition: Article  3 pages: Page 1  Page 2  Page 3





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A Real Sailing Adventure