tavento is known for it's many wreaks, both old and modern and there are a lot of Wreaks scattered along the barrier reef.

Old Cannons, pieces of amphora's and other antique items can be found in very shallow water.

Count D`Estrees`where all of the 7 ships in the fleet went on the reef of Las  Aves in one night the 4 of may.

After a lot of publications in the press, (see  enclosed news headlines), national and world wide, we decided to do an even better organized expedition to Las Aves.

The 4 of may 1998, 320 years after the disaster, Obsession and crew went back on a one week

expedition to try and locate all of the wreak sites, with great success, more than 10 new locations where found and explored,

We still beleive there a more. 

Various artifacts where discovered and brought home....

Las Aves has it all for the real adventurer....

While it still lasts.   

Text:   Henrik Bratfeldt. 

Next: Pictures of what we found in the sand on Isla Tesoro...

The Sailboat "Spirit of Obsession" and crew have done many trips to the Islands during the last years, one of our last trips we had the famous underwater treasure hunter  (Barry Clifford) onboard. 

We re-discovered one off the ships that went aground in 1678 from the famous french fleet of

Las Aves, A real Seafari and Dive Adventure - Continued

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